Search accounts based on date, payee, transaction type, category, tags, memo, transaction number, check number, security, and/or amount. Search transactions across all accounts in the Transactions section or within an account's Transactions section. Perform transaction searches in either the table list view or the calendar view.

Table list view
General layout info:

Search transactions (List view):
- Select the search field by click on it, tabbing to it or by pressing Command-F. Then type to search.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon in the search field to adjust the parameters for the search.
- End the search by deleting the entered search from the search field, or by pressing the x in the search field or by pressing Escape (Esc) while in the search field.

Calendar view
General layout info:

Search transactions (Calendar view):
- Select the search field by click on it, tabbing to it or by pressing Command-F. Then type to search.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon in the search field to adjust the parameters for the search.
- End the search by deleting the entered search from the search field, or by pressing the x in the search field or by pressing Escape (Esc) while in the search field.
During searches the listing above the transactions area will change to display the search info such as "Search: 4 Items for -$123.45".
Adjust the account settings to aid in searches such as limiting the date range of transactions.
Amount searches can be done using partial amounts such as searching for "150" which will return any transactions with amounts between 150.00 and 150.99 plus any transactions with amounts between -150.00 and -150.99.