Transactions can have one of five status options: "Pending", "Recorded", "Cleared", "Reconciled" and "Voided". Using the different status settings for transactions is optional, but they can add additional insight into your finances. For example, recording transactions as "Pending" can help you plan ahead for upcoming items. Keep an eye on which transactions have "Cleared" and mark them as "Reconciled" after you have verified them. By utilizing the different status options you will be able to monitor the corresponding additional balances for accounts such as the total amount "Pending", the "Cleared" balance, and the "Reconciled" balance for the account.
Status options
Below you can learn more about the status options for transactions. Through the use of the different transaction status options, and posting transactions early, you can keep an eye on the different account balances that relate to them.
Pending: For transactions that are expected, but have not yet occurred.
Will be included, along with any other transaction with a date after today, in the "Pending" balance for accounts.
All transactions marked as pending can be easily located in the Scheduled Transactions - Pending section.
Recorded: For transactions that have occurred, but have not yet officially cleared at the institution.
The default for new transactions created manually.
Will be included in the account's listed "Balance" depending on the transaction's date and the Accounts preference for including early posted transactions in account balances.
Cleared: For transactions that have officially cleared at the institution.
The default for downloaded transactions and for transactions imported from files when indicated they were created by a financial institution as long as the option to mark as reconciled is not on.
Included in the "Cleared" balance listings along with transactions marked as "Reconciled".
Reconciled: For transactions that have officially cleared at the institution, if applicable, and that you have verified are accurate.
Included in the "Cleared" balance listings along with transactions marked as "Cleared".
Only transactions marked as reconciled are included in the "Reconcile" balance for accounts.
Voided: For transactions that were cancelled.
Intended to allow for recording transactions without affecting account balances.
Not included in any balances, investment holdings, report totals, or budget totals.