Adjust an account's cash balance when needed. Either to start tracking an account or to otherwise take the place of missing transactions. For adjusting an investment account's holdings you can record position adjustments.
Starting balance:
If you are first setting up an account you will need to determine the date which you will first begin recording the account's transaction history. Determine the balance at the end of the day for the date you want to start tracking the account.
- Create a new transaction in the account or edit the existing starting balance transaction.
- Set the transaction's date to the date you want to start tracking the account.
- Set the transaction type to "Balance Adjustment".
- Set the amount to the balance at the end of the day for the date you want to start tracking the account.
You can also add a Memo or fill in other values for the adjustment transaction as desired.
As of a specific date:
If your account balance is incorrect and cannot determine the issue, you can record a balance adjustment transaction as of a specific date. Determine the the balance at the end of the day on the date you want to correct the balance. Find the existing balance in the program as of that date currently. Subtract the existing balance from the correct balance and that will be the amount you will enter for the balance adjustment transaction. For example, if a banking account's balance currently shows as $1,000 and it should be $3,000 then you would subtract $1,000 from $3,000 resulting in needing to adjust the balance by $2,000 (3000 - 1000). If a credit card account's balance currently shows as -$1,000 and it should be -$500 then you would subtract -$1,000 from -$500 (note the minus signs) resulting in needing to adjust the balance by $500 (-500 - -1000 = 500, a positive amount).
- Create a new transaction in the account.
- Set the transaction's date to the date you want to correct the balance on.
- Set the transaction type to "Balance Adjustment".
- Set the amount to be the difference between the existing balance and the correct balance at the end of the day on the date you want to correct the balance.
You can also add a Memo or fill in other values for the adjustment transaction as desired.