Edit transactions

Edit transactions in the Transactions section or within an account's Transactions section. Editing transactions can be done individually or in bulk.

List View

Transactions view

Editing layout:

Editing Layout Info

Edit a transaction:

  1. Tap on the transaction you want to edit to view its details.
  2. Update the details for the transaction. Add splits to the transaction if needed and/or add attachments.
  3. Tap "Save" to save the changes made to the transaction.
  • Tap "Cancel" to cancel any changes made to the transaction.

Tip Tip: You can swipe left on a transaction and tap "More" to be shown a menu of options or tap "Delete" to delete the transaction.

Swipe Left on Transactions

Edit multiple transactions:

  1. Tap "Edit" on the top right.
Edit Transactions
  1. Tap each transaction you want to edit to select them. Edit all transactions using the "Mark All" option on the lower left.
Select Transactions
  1. Edit the selected transactions by tapping the "Mark" option on the lower left or delete the selected transactions by tapping Trash Button.
Select Transactions
  1. Tap "Done" on the upper right to end editing.

Tip Tip: To more easily locate and select transactions, perform a transaction search.