
Tags can add another dimension to tracking transactions beyond what can be accomplished by categorizing transactions. Tagging transactions can help reduce the number of categories you need as well assist in generating reports involving transactions listed with specific tags. Assign colors to tags to make them more easily identifiable in transactions and reports when using the options in the Colors preferences. Add subtags to tags making them "parent" tags. There is no limit to the number of levels of subtags that "parent" tags can have. The list of tags can be found in the Lists - Tags section. Learn more about the details tags can have as well as how to create, edit, and delete tags below.

Note Note: In reports and budgets, "parent" tags, tags with subtags, will include the values for their subtags. However, the amounts will not be double counted in the overall totals.

List View

Tags list

General layout info:

General Layout Info

Note Note: There will be a triangle to the left of the name of "parent" tags, tags with subtags, which can be clicked to show or hide their subtags. You can also use the Right and Left Arrow keys to expand and collapse the subtags for the selected tag. Press Command-Right Arrow or Command-Left Arrow to expand and collapse all subtags.

Tip Tip: When viewing items in tables, you can control the fields shown by adjusting the optional columns. Adjust the optional columns for a table by using the program's View → Columns menu or by Control-clicking on an uneditable area of the table.

Default tags:

Every file gets setup with one special tag: "Split". Learn more about it below.

Special tags:

  • Split: A placeholder for a transaction's tags for when it is split with varying tags.

Note Note: The "Split" tag cannot be renamed or deleted.

Tag details:

Tags have variety of details in addition to the basic details of name and color. Learn more about the different details for tags below.

  • Name: The name for the tag. When displaying subtags, their name can be appended to their parent's name such as the "Kids" tag's "Johnny" subtag being displayed as "Kids - Johnny". Subtags can also be shown with only a dash in front of their name when following their parent tag such as the "Kids" tag's "Johnny" subtag being displayed as "- Johnny" when the "Kids" tag is listed before it.
  • Description: A brief description for the tag.
  • Kind: The type of tag: "Custom or "Split Placeholder".
  • Color: The color for the tag. If a color is not set for a top level tag then the default color of blue will be used. If a color is not set for a subtag then it will use the its parent tag's color.
  • Include in Lists: Controls whether or not the tag is a selectable option when selecting tags in various lists throughout the program.
  • Include in Reports: Controls whether or not the tag is included in reports when using the default tag options such as "All Tags". Tags that have this option off can be added to reports by choosing the "Specific Tags" option for the report then using the "Show Hidden" option to access the tag.

Note Note: The "Split" tag cannot be deleted.

Create a tag:

  1. Go to the Lists - Tags section.
  2. Click the Add Button button above tags area or press Command-N to create a new tag.
  3. Update the details for the tag.
  4. End editing of the tag by pressing Command-E or by pressing Return.

Create a subtag:

  1. Select the tag you want to add a subtag to in the Lists - Tags section.
  2. Click the Split Button button above tags area or press Command-L to add a subtag to the selected tag.
  3. Update the details for the subtag.
  4. End editing of the subtag by pressing Command-E or by pressing Return.

Tip Tip: Use drag and drop to make an existing tag the subtag of another or to make a subtag a top level tag. Doing so will be appropriately reflected in the transactions involved.

Edit a tag:

  1. Select the tag you want to edit in the Lists - Tags section. Click on the value you want to edit, press the Tab key, or press Command-E to begin editing the tag.
  2. Update the details for the tag.
  3. Finish editing the tag by pressing Command-E or by pressing Return.

Edit multiple tags:

Change the "Include in Lists" and "Include in Reports" option for any number of selected tags.

  1. Select the tags you want to edit in the Lists - Tags section.
  2. Control-click on the tags to be shown a menu of options.

Delete tags:

  1. Select the tag or tags you want to delete in the Lists - Tags section.
  2. Click the Delete Button button above tags area or press Command-Delete to delete the selected tags.

Alert Warning: Deleting a tag will remove the tag from any transactions using it. The prompt to confirm the deletion will indicate if the tags to be deleted are being used by any transactions.

Tip Tip: Instead of deleting tags, you can use drag and drop to make an existing tag the subtag of another or to make a subtag a top level tag. Doing so will be appropriately reflected in the transactions involved. You can also set tags to not be "Included in Lists" or "Included in Reports" to hide them.

Note Note: The "Split" tag cannot be deleted.

Keyboard Shortcut

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Create: Command-N
  • Begin/End Editing: Command-E
  • Add Subtag: Command-L
  • Cancel: Escape (Esc)
  • Delete: Command-Delete
  • Expand Subtags for Tag: Right Arrow
  • Collapse Subtags for Tag: Left Arrow
  • Expand All Subtags: Command-Right Arrow
  • Collapse All Subtags: Command-Left Arrow
  • Next List: Shift-Command-Right Bracket (]) or Shift-Command-Right Arrow
  • Previous List: Shift-Command-Left Bracket ([) or Shift-Command-Left Arrow

Review the full list of keyboard shortcuts