Keyboard shortcuts
There's all kinds of keyboard shortcuts available to help improve your workflow. Learn more about the available keyboard shortcuts below.

- Create: Command-N
- Begin/End Editing: Command-E
- Save: Return or Command-E
- Cancel: Escape (Esc)
- Delete: Command-Delete
- Print: Command-P
- Select Search Field: Command-F
- Toggle Checkboxes On/Off: Spacebar
- Preferences: Command-Comma (,)

- Reconcile Account: Shift-Command-R
- Download All Accounts: Shift-Command-U
- Download Security Prices: Control-Command-U
- Download Everything*: Command-U
*Accounts, security prices, and exchange rates as needed.
- Import Transactions: Option-Command-I
- Show Exchange Rates: Shift-Command-X
- Show/Hide Balances Popover: Command-B
- Next View*: Shift-Command-Right Bracket (]) or Shift-Command-Right Arrow
- Previous View*: Shift-Command-Left Bracket ([) or Shift-Command-Left Arrow
*For switching between views within a section such as switching between the Transactions view and the Overview view within an account.

- New Transaction: Command-N
- Edit Transaction: Command-E
- Split Transaction: Command-L
- Show/Hide Splits (List View): Shift-Command-L
- Show/Hide Attachments (List View): Shift-Command-I
- Show Calendar Popover (Calendar view): Command-E, Return, or Spacebar
- Save Transaction: Return or Command-E
- Cancel Changes: Escape (Esc)
- Duplicate Transaction: Command-D
- Merge Transactions: Command-Y
- Delete Transaction: Command-Delete
- Batch Edit: Option-Command-E
- Mark as Cleared: Command-K
- Mark as Reconciled: Command-R
- Create Transfer Transaction: Control-Command-X
- Go to Corresponding Transfer: Option-Command-X
- Show Pop-Up Calendar for Date: C or D
- Enter Next Check #: + or =
- Enter Previous Check #: -
- Also check out the Date and Pop-Up Calculator keyboard shortcuts.

- Download Security Prices: Control-Command-U
- Create Security: Command-N
- Delete Security: Command-Delete
- Edit Price: Command-E
- Save Price: Return or Command-E
- Cancel Changes: Escape (Esc)
- Show Security Info: Command-I
- Show Historical Prices: Shift-Command-I
- Show/Hide Graph: Command-5
- Next View*: Shift-Command-Right Bracket (]) or Shift-Command-Right Arrow
- Previous View*: Shift-Command-Left Bracket ([) or Shift-Command-Left Arrow
*For switching between views within a section such as switching between the Securities view and the Holdings view within the Portfolio section.

Reports & Budgets:
- Create Report/Budget: Command-N
- Show Settings: Command-I
- Show Report/Budget: Return or Spacebar
- Go Back to Reports/Budgets*: Shift-Command-Left Bracket ([]) or Escape (Esc)
- Duplicate Report/Budget: Command-D
- Delete Report/Budget: Command-Delete

- New Item: Command-N
- Edit Item: Command-E
- Add Child to Item (Subcategory/Subtag): Command-L
- Save Item: Return or Command-E
- Cancel Changes: Escape (Esc)
- Go to Payees List: Shift-Command-E
- Go to Transaction Types List: Shift-Command-Y
- Go to Categories List: Shift-Command-C
- Go to Tags List: Shift-Command-T
- Go to Flags List: Shift-Command-F
- Go to Securities List: Shift-Command-V
- Show Exchange Rates: Shift-Command-X
- Next List*: Shift-Command-Right Bracket (]) or Shift-Command-Right Arrow
- Previous List*: Shift-Command-Left Bracket ([) or Shift-Command-Left Arrow
*For switching between views within a section such as switching between the Categories list and the Tags list within the Lists section.

- Select Sidebar: Command-1
- Hide Sidebar: Command-0
- Show/Hide Activity: Option-Command-0
- Select List View: Command-2
- Select Icon View: Command-3
- Select PDF View: Command-3
- Select Calendar View: Command-4
- Show/Hide Graph: Command-5
- Go to Today: Command-T
- Next: Command-Right Arrow
- Previous: Command-Left Arrow
- Up: Command-Up Arrow
- Down: Command-Down Arrow
- Select Search Field: Command-F
- Next View*: Shift-Command-Right Bracket (]) or Shift-Command-Right Arrow
- Previous View*: Shift-Command-Left Bracket ([) or Shift-Command-Left Arrow
*For switching between views within a section such as switching between the Transactions view and the Overview view within an account.

Table Views:
- Scroll to First Row: Fn-Left Arrow
- Scroll to Last Row: Fn-Right Arrow
- Scroll One Page Up: Fn-Up Arrow
- Scroll One Page Down: Fn-Down Arrow
- Select All: Command-A
- Deselect All: Shift-Command-A
- Select First Row: Option-Up Arrow
- Select Last Row: Option-Down Arrow
- Add a Row to the Selected Rows: Command-Click on the Row
- Remove a Row from the Selected Rows: Command-Click on the Row
- Expand (or Reduce) Row Selection Upwards: Shift-Up Arrow
- Expand (or Reduce) Row Selection Downwards: Shift-Down Arrow
- Select Consecutive Rows: Click on First Row then Shift-Click on Last Row
- Toggle Checkboxes On/Off: Spacebar

Calendar Views:
- Show Calendar Popover: Command-E, Return, or Spacebar
- Go to Today: Command-T
- Next Month: Command-Right Arrow, Command-Down Arrow, or Fn-Down-Arrow
- Previous Month: Command-Left Arrow, Command-Up Arrow, or Fn-Up-Arrow
- First Month: Fn-Left Arrow
- Last Month: Fn-Right Arrow
- Select All: Command-A
- Deselect All: Shift-Command-A
- Select First Item: Option-Up Arrow
- Select Last Item: Option-Down Arrow
- Add an Item to the Selected Items: Command-Click on the Item
- Remove an Item from the Selected Items: Command-Click on the Item
- Expand (or Reduce) Item Selection Upwards: Shift-Up Arrow
- Expand (or Reduce) Item Selection Downwards: Shift-Down Arrow
- Expand (or Reduce) Item Selection Left: Shift-Left Arrow
- Expand (or Reduce) Item Selection Right: Shift-Right Arrow
- Select Consecutive Items: Click on First Item then Shift-Click on Last Item

- Show Pop-Up Calendar for Date Field: C or D
- Close Pop-Up Calendar for Date Field: Escape (Esc)
- Current Date: T
- Add a Day: + or =
- Subtract a Day: -
- Previous Month: Left Bracket ([)
- Next Month: Right Bracket (])
- Previous Year: Left Curly Bracket ({)
- Next Year: Right Curly Bracket (})
- First Day of the Week: W
- Last Day of the Week: K
- First Day of the Month: M
- Last Day of the Month: H
- First Day of the Year: Y
- Last Day of the Year: R

Pop-up calculators:
- Show Pop-Up Calculator: = or enter any math operator after typing a number.
- Cancel Pop-Up Calculator: Escape (Esc).
- Accept Pop-Up Calculator: = or change selection.
- Clear Entered Value: Delete
- Enter Current Amount: A
- Addition: +
- Subtraction: -
- Multiplication: X or *
- Division: /

Quick Calculations:
In the program's Calculations preferences you can assign a calculation to a specific key. For example, to make a quick calculation to add 2.5% sales tax, you can assign the S key to perform the calculation of multiplying by 1.025.