The program is document based, similar to text editing and spreadsheet programs, which means the program stores your data in the document data file(s) that you setup and use in the program. A great benefit of SEE Finance being a document based program is that you choose where your files are stored. Being able to choose where your file(s) for the program are stored keeps them under your control and allows you to easily make backups and restore from backups just as you would for any other file. By default, SEE Finance 2 for macOS will automatically backup your file(s) for the program. You can also use Finder to make a copy of your file and place that copy in the desired location such as to an external drive. Most general file backup method(s) will backup your file(s) for the program such as when using Time Machine for backups of your Mac. It is also an option to backup the file to another device by transferring the file to a different macOS or iOS device.
Time Machine, and most other backup methods, will backup files stored on your local hard drive.
For files stored on iCloud you may or may not have a local copy of the file on your Mac.
When you use a file stored on iCloud a copy of the file is downloaded and stored on your local drive.
Then any changes to the file are uploaded/downloaded to/from iCloud.
Most backup methods, including Time Machine, will then be able make a backup of that file since there's a local copy of it.
With the "Optimize Storage" option for macOS, files stored on iCloud may be offloaded from your Mac if not used recently.
When that occurs your file is still available on iCloud, but your backup method will most likely not be making any backups of it since there is no longer a local copy of it.
Automatic file backups:
SEE Finance 2 for macOS has an automatic file backup feature that will make complete copies of your file(s). This file backup feature is on by default and the location of the backup files can be customized to the location of your choice. These options can be found in the program's General preferences. When the automatic file backup option is on, when you select to close a file or quit the program a complete copy of the file will be saved to the designated backup folder if there were any changes made to the file in the current session and if the file is not inside the designated backup folder. The program will keep up to 10 backups of a file and will only keep one backup copy of a file per day. Within the backup folder will be one or more strangely named folders with the strange name(s) being the unique ID(s) of the file that was backed up. Within those folders will be complete copies of the file that was backed up. The backup files will be named using the same name as the original file along with a time stamp appended to it for referencing when the backup was made such as "My Finances - 2019-05-01 at 09.41.00 AM." for a file named "My Finances" that was backed up on May 1st 2019 at 9:41 AM.
It is recommended to change the default backup file location to be an external drive or to a folder that will be backed up to "the cloud" in order to have access to a backup copy of your file(s) in case of a hardware failure.
The only restriction for the backup file location is that it should not be the same location as where you store the file(s) you regularly use with the program.
This is because the program will not make a backup of any file that is stored inside the designated backup folder to avoid backups of backups.
By default, the backup folder is a folder named "Backup Files" that is stored in the program's (hidden) container.
Restoring from a file backup:
If you ever need to revert to using a backup copy of your file, you can close the program and then use Finder to delete the file you wish to replace. Then you can use Finder to make a copy of the backup file you will be using going forward to that same location. Next, rename the file in Finder as desired such as removing the time stamp if the backup file was one made by the program. Finally, open the program and select to open the file then get back to using SEE Finance.