Uninstall SEE Finance 2

Uninstall SEE Finance 2 if desired. Use the information below to remove SEE Finance 2 for macOS from your Mac.

Delete any existing copies of SEE Finance 2 for macOS:

  1. Quit SEE Finance if it is currently open while accepting any prompts to save.
  2. Use Finder to check your Applications folder, Downloads folder, and any custom download location for there being any copies of SEE Finance 2 for macOS. You can also perform a search in Finder to check for any copies of SEE Finance that are installed. Move any that are found to the Trash.
  3. Once all copies are in the Trash, verify there's nothing in the Trash you need before selecting to "Empty the Trash" in the next step as they will be permanently deleted.
  4. Select "Empty the Trash" from Finder's File menu.

Delete your SEE Finance file(s) as desired:

On macOS, data files are always stored separately from the program itself. Use Finder to locate your SEE Finance file(s) and move them to the Trash. Verify there's nothing in the Trash you need before selecting to "Empty the Trash" from Finder's File menu.

Tip Tip: You can perform searches in Finder to locate your SEE Finance data file(s). Open a Finder window and search for ".scsf", without the quotes, which is the file extension for the program's files. Select the "Kinds" option of "SEE Finance Document" for the search. Then select the "This Mac" search option to locate all of the SEE Finance files stored on your Mac.

Delete Apple Keychain items:

Account login credentials for account downloads and account numbers set for accounts are stored in your Apple Keychain or not at all. If you stored the login credentials for account downloads in your Apple Keychain or set an account number for an account which would have been stored in your Apple Keychain you can access and delete keychain items in the Keychain Access app.

  1. Use Finder and go to the Utilities folder within your Applications folder and open the Keychain Access app.
  2. Select the "login" keychain and choose "All Items" Category option from the sidebar of the Keychain Access app if those options are not already selected.
  3. In the search field on the upper right, type in "SEE Finance" without the quotes.
  4. Select and delete any keychain items that have the following names:
    • SEE Finance OFX Login Credentials
    • SEE Finance OFX Account ID
    • SEE Finance Account Info
    • SEE Finance OFX Connection
  5. Close the Keychain Access app.

Delete preferences and other hidden files:

To be really thorough, you can delete the preference files and some other items that are kept in a hidden Library folder in macOS by default. Working with files the Library folder is something to be extremely careful about as the Library folder is hidden for a reason.

  1. In Finder, open a new Finder window.
  2. Open the Finder's Go menu and hold down the Option key to make the Library folder option appear and select it.
  3. Move the following files and folders from the Library folder to the Trash:

    SEE Finance Version 2.X Items:

    • Library/Caches/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance-2/
    • Library/Containers/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance-2/
    • Library/Preferences/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance-2.plist

    SEE Finance Version 0.9.X & 1.X Items:

    • Library/Application Support/SEE Finance/
    • Library/Caches/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance-1/
    • Library/Containers/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance-1/
    • Library/Preferences/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance.plist
    • Library/Preferences/com.scimonocesoftware.SEE-Finance-1.plist
  4. Verify there's nothing in the Trash you need before selecting to "Empty the Trash" from Finder's File menu.