Import categories

Mac | iPhone
| iPad

Categories can be imported from QIF and QMTF files. Learn how to import categories from files below.

Importing categories from a file

  1. Select "Import" → "Categories" from the program's File menu.
Select File to Import
  1. Use the open file panel to select the QIF or QMTF file you'd like to import.
  2. Click "Import" to continue and then follow the info below for the specific type of file you are importing.

QIF Document

Import Categories from QIF File
  1. Review the categories found in the QIF file. Uncheck the "Import" checkbox for any individual categories you do not want to import.
  2. Set the option to "Import and Merge With Existing" or "Import and Delete Existing" as desired.
  3. Then click "Import" to import the selected categories.

Tip Tip: Use the space bar to toggle the "Import" checkbox for the selected categories.

QMTF Document

Import Categories from QMTF File
  1. Review the categories found in the QMTF file. Uncheck the "Import" checkbox for any individual categories you do not want to import.
  2. Set the option to "Import and Merge With Existing" or "Import and Delete Existing" as desired.
  3. Then click "Import" to import the selected categories.

Tip Tip: Use the space bar to toggle the "Import" checkbox for the selected categories.

Review the imported categories

Review and update the details for the new categories in the Lists - Categories section.