Budgets can be monitored in the Budgets section. Routinely monitor a budget for being over/under on individual categories as well as for the budget overall. Being over for an income category would mean more income came in than expected. Being under for an income category would mean less income came in than expected. Being over for an expense category would mean more was spent than expected. Being under for an expense category would mean less was spent than expected. Pay close attention to being over or under by unexpected amounts and think about if there's any planned transactions that may change this current unexpected overage or underage. It is an option to post transactions early and list them with the "Pending" status to plan ahead and have them accounted for in a budget. To further analyze the transactions accounting for the actual amounts in a budget, you can setup a Category report with the same settings and on the same categories as the budget to view the transactions making up each category total. You can edit the budgeted amounts and general settings for a budget when needed. Budgets can be printed or exported as PDF or CSV files.

Monitoring budgets
General layout info:

Keyboard shortcuts:
- Show Settings: Command-I
- Go Back to Reports: Command–Left Bracket ([) or Command-Left Arrow
- Print: Command-P
Review the full list of keyboard shortcuts