SEE Finance 2 for iOS

SEE Finance 2

Change Logs Change Logs

SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.3.0 - Build 1038 - 2022/12/27


  • None.


  • Compatibility adjustments for iOS 16.
  • Adjusted the user agent sent for OFX Direct Connect downloads for some specific institutions as required.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue downloading current security price information.
  • Fixed an issue where the app would block other keyboard options.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.2.3 - Build 1037 - 2021/12/27


  • None.


  • Compatibility adjustments for iOS 15.
  • Adjusted the user agent for OFX Direct Connect downloads.
  • Adjusted the handling of time for dates used for date ranges sent to BECU Online Business OFX downloads server.
  • IDR now shows two decimal places by default instead of the iOS default of none.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue when editing transaction settings where the values would incorrectly be shown using the lighter placeholder text color.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing both the “Show in Account List” and “Include in Balances” options in the “Hide and Show Accounts” settings.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.2.2 - Build 1035 - 2021/10/28


  • Added several more cryptocurrencies.


  • Compatibility adjustments for iOS 15.
  • Cryptocurrency amounts can now be specified up to 8 decimal places.
  • Adjusted how OFX Direct Connect downloads are formatted to use line breaks by default.
  • Adjusted the user agent for OFX Direct Connect downloads.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where files stored on iCloud might not refresh to show changes from another device unless the file was closed and re-opened.
  • Fixed an issue where the program might not auto-calculate the units, unit price, or amount of investment transactions when one of those fields are edited.
  • Fixed an issue not refreshing the units, unit price, or amount field after the program auto-calculated one of those values.
  • Fixed an issue changing the Status of transactions to Cleared or Recorded in bulk.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when attempting to add an attachment to a transaction on an iPad.
  • Fixed an issue when using IDR currency in the program where balances could incorrectly get set to be negative amounts.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.2.0 - Build 1032 - 2020/11/12


  • None.


  • Various adjustments for compatibility with iOS 14.
  • Changed how the program identifies itself for OFX Direct Connect downloads. This may require reactivating or verifying downloads for some institutions.
  • Adjusted accounts downloads to still process any successful downloaded accounts when one or more others failed.
  • Adjusted the all Transactions section to automatically set the account for transactions if there’s only one account in the file.
  • Stopped applying last used settings for transactions when selecting adjustment payees.
  • Terminal database errors are now self reported.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed and issue where the Investments-Importing preference for “Prevent transactions with an undefined cash source/destination from affecting account cash balances” couldn’t be turned off.
  • Fixed an issue connecting to Vanguard, and possibly other institutions, due to not returning requested cookies from previous connections.
  • Fixed an issue connecting to BBVA USA.
  • Fixed an issue where the corresponding transfer transaction for a split transaction would not be created automatically.
  • Fixed an issue allowing the same Tag to be listed for a transaction multiple times in an import which resulted in a database saving error.
  • Fixed an issue where the split transactions could be out of order when generated from a scheduled transaction.
  • Fixed an issue where a missing font could cause the program to crash.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.7 - Build 1029 - 2019/09/19


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with headings not displaying the proper background and text colors on iOS 13.
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of various fields on iOS 13.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.6 - Build 1028 - 2019/06/29


  • Added a Memorized Transactions feature that applies the last used settings for payees to transactions during account downloads and file imports.
  • Added the ability to change the account type for accounts.


  • Adjusted the Memorized Transactions feature that applies the last used settings for payees to prefer information from the most recently modified transaction for that payee in the same account as the edited transaction when one is available.
  • Adjusted the Memorized Transactions feature that applies the last used settings when selecting a payee to not be performed when setting payees via the menu options.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when adding an attachment to a transaction while the file was in the middle of saving to disk.
  • Fixed an issue where the saved position for accounts wouldn’t be updated after accounts were deleted. Automatically corrected as needed.
  • Fixed an issue where the saved application state for deleted accounts wouldn’t ever be deleted.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting to delete list items where the number of transactions the item was being used by was based on the information saved in the file and not the information currently loaded for the presented the alert.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting to delete list items where the number of scheduled transactions the item was used by wasn’t being included in the presented the alert.
  • Fixed an issue where it could show “0 Items” for the transaction count when select an account initially.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.4 - Build 1024 - 2019/06/10


  • None.


  • Adjusted the Memorized Transactions feature that applies the last used settings when selecting a payee to now include setting the memo.
  • Changed the Investments-General preference for "Download prices only for active securities" to be on by default.
  • Adjusted the program to not display the main view until the balances have finished updating for the first time or order to avoid showing blank balances.
  • Added in-program prompt for App Store Reviews.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where a saving error could occur when an object was created, edited and deleted all within the same save cycle.
  • Fixed an issue where a saving error could be reported when it wasn’t actually an error.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.3 - Build 1021 - 2019/05/31


  • Added the option to turn the Memorized Transactions feature on or off in the Transactions preferences. Listed as "Apply last used settings when selecting payees".


  • Adjusted the Memorized Transactions feature that applies the last used transaction type, category, tags, and amount when selecting a payee to only change the individual values if the existing value is blank or if it was the same as the last used value for the previously selected payee. The amount will only be changed when selecting the payee if the transaction is new and hasn’t previously been edited for transaction type, category, tags, investment details, or amount.
  • Adjusted the Memorized Transactions feature to not apply the last used amount for a payee if the transaction will have an investment specific transaction type.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with converting the saved application state to the new format as of version 2.1.0 for files stored on iCloud where it would only be done for the device that opened the file first. A check will be done to make sure it has been done for all devices.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.2 - Build 1019 - 2019/05/24


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue specific to versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 where the corresponding transfer transaction wouldn't be generated when entering a split transaction that is a transfer.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.1 - Build 1018 - 2019/05/24


  • None.


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue specific to version 2.1.0 where the program could possibly be denied access to the last used file possibly resulting in a file loading error or no attempt to load the last used file at all.
  • Fixed an issue always using an account’s color for the row selection color regardless of the Colors preference to use the account color for the row selection color.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.1.0 - Build 1017 - 2019/05/21


  • Added a "Memorized Transactions" feature where editing the payee for transactions will now auto-fill details from the last edited transaction using that payee.


  • Changed the "Cleared" icon from being a solid colored circle to being a white circle with a smaller solid color circle.
  • Added alerts when saving changes to reconciled transactions that involve changing the date, amount or status of the transaction.
  • Added prompt to edit the name of new accounts when creating them by download if the name is still the default name.
  • Adjusted duplicate transactions check to give more priority to a transaction with a matching check number and amount compared to a transaction with a matching date and amount.
  • Adjusted duplicate transactions check to consider downloaded/imported transactions to be duplicates to existing transactions if they’re within four days apart and have the same amount regardless if there’s multiple possible matches. This also applies to merging declined transactions into existing transactions. Before downloaded/imported transactions with more than one possible match to an existing transaction would be allowed through for the user to resolve.
  • Improved resolving of file conflicts for files stored on iCloud.
  • Adjusted the program to better handle saving errors and report them if they ever occur.
  • Improved the default errors presented to include more information when available.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where a file would fail to save when an account is created then deleted before the account was saved to the file.
  • Fixed an issue when editing uncategorized split transactions to have categories when the option to show only uncategorized where the program wouldn’t refresh and exclude the transaction.
  • Fixed an issue where editing an existing split transaction’s overall amount, which would create a new split to account for the difference, and not editing any of the splits then selecting to undo wouldn’t delete the split that was created to account for the previous difference. This could result in an extra split that had an amount, but wasn’t accounted for in the transaction’s overall amount. Existing transactions with these extra last splits will be deleted automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where the in-direct changes for a split transaction might not be updated during editing such as the overall transaction type not showing as "Split" when changing the transaction type of a split to vary from the other splits.
  • Fixed an issue where a transaction could show "Split" for values that didn’t actually vary across splits. Existing transactions will be updated automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where a custom color for the Unreviewed flag wouldn’t be always be used.
  • Fixed an issue where transactions due from scheduled transactions could be possibly generated more than once.
  • Fixed an issue where the origin setting for transactions from duplicated transactions and for transaction generated from scheduled transactions wouldn’t be saved. Any existing transaction without a set origin will be set to "Manual Entry".
  • Fixed an issue where transactions could be imported without a set amount when the amount was not set in the import. Existing transactions without a set amount will be updated automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where a second account download could be allowed while one was already being performed.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when downloading accounts.
  • Fixed an issue that could occur when creating multiple accounts at once by download where one or more zero amount starting balance transactions could be added in addition to the expected starting balance transaction.
  • Fixed an issue catching possible duplicate transactions where imported transactions with matching dates and amounts might be let through when there’s more than one possible match that has matching dates and amounts.
  • Fixed an issue catching possible duplicate transactions when a transaction already has a reference to being downloaded, imported from a file, or converted from a previous version of the program and a duplicate is attempted to be downloaded/imported through a different means and would not considered a match due mismatching dates.
  • Fixed an issue not setting the status for an existing transaction that had declined matching transaction during a download or file import when the transaction already had a reference to being downloaded, imported from a file, or converted from a previous version of the program.
  • Fixed an issue when merging duplicate transactions from downloads/imports where the existing transaction’s status could be changed to a lower status.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.8 - Build 1016 - 2019/01/18


  • None.


  • Adjusted the program to stop automatically discarding split transactions that don’t vary in settings from the overall transaction or from other splits. Now only split transactions without an amount set will be discarded automatically.
  • Entering the units and amount for investment transactions will now calculate the unit price automatically if it wasn’t previously set.
  • Entering the unit price and amount for investment transactions will now calculate the units automatically if it wasn’t previously set.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where transaction amounts shown in accounts could be clipped.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a transfer transaction might not trigger the balance to be updated for the corresponding transfer transaction.
  • Fixed an issue where existing investment positions could not update properly after creating, deleting or editing transactions due to beginning the review of the transactions involved at an incorrect starting point.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the account for an investment specific transaction to a non-investment account wouldn’t clear the investment transaction type. All existing transactions with inappropriate settings due to this will be adjusted automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the account for an investment specific transaction to a non-investment account wouldn’t be fully restored when selecting to undo the change.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the transaction type for an investment specific transaction to a non-share changing transaction wouldn’t clear the units, price per unit and commission values. All existing transactions with inappropriate settings due to this will be adjusted automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where the program would unnecessarily re-insert infinite values for investment percent information when the value was already infinite.
  • Fixed an issue where voided transactions could be included in investment positions.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Semi-Monthly" frequency type where it was always restricted to being the 1st and 16th of the month. Now it is based on being on the 1st through 15th and then 15 days later in second half of the month or the last of the month.
  • Fixed an issue where offsetting changes to the database during the same save were not being removed which could result in objects that were both inserted and deleted during that same save reappearing.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.7 - Build 1014 - 2018/12/21


  • None.


  • Implemented a work around for misconfiguration of the OFX server used by several brokerages because it cannot properly interpret a transaction download request using dates with time.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash specific to iOS 12.1.2 that could occur when saving a new file to iCloud.
  • Fixed an issue where the app could freeze up while another device was editing the same file.
  • Fixed an issue where the transaction type might not be set for transactions generated from scheduled transactions.
  • Fixed an issue where the status couldn’t be changed for some existing transactions.
  • Fixed an issue where some usage reference items could be cleared when resetting defaults.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.6 - Build 1013 - 2018/09/27


  • None.


  • Various adjustments for compatibility with iOS 12.
  • Files can now be opened from the iOS Files app.
  • Adjusted the app to shows files stored locally in the iOS Files app.
  • Implemented a workaround for iOS UISplitViewController issues with large titles and search bars.
  • Adjusted the program to download quotes for indexes when the "Download prices only for active securities" preference is on.
  • Automatically created corresponding transfers will use the same transaction type as the originating transaction if compatible otherwise it will have the "Payment" transaction type for credit card and loan accounts and the "Transfer" transaction type for all others.
  • Editing a linked transfer will now keep the payee and memo the same in both transactions involved in the transfer. Existing linked transfers are not updated.
  • If the preference for "Automatically create and update transfer transactions" is off then deleting a transaction that was previously linked to a corresponding transfer will not delete the corresponding transfer.
  • Adjusted start, end and as of dates in OFX Direct Connect downloads to include time zone information for most institutions.
  • Adjusted the duplicate transactions check to only consider exact amount matches as possible matches.
  • Adjusted available options for the applications available to identify as for downloads.
  • Adjusted the default timeout interval for internet connections from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Adjusted the option to duplicate transactions to set the transactions status to "Recorded" when the original transaction is marked as "Cleared" or "Reconciled". Otherwise the same transaction status is set.
  • Adjusted the program not to create a "Starting Balance" transaction when creating accounts manually and the balance was set to zero.
  • Adjusted the badge numbers to draw a darker text color when shown with a lighter background.
  • Adjusted the indicator fields to draw a darker text color when shown with a lighter background.
  • Adjusted available currencies to include: VES, STN and MRU.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where entering an "Increase" amount with a decimal value could result in the decimal value being ignored when the decimal separator is the comma.
  • Fixed an issue where the end date reported in a response in OFX Direct Connect downloads would not be used for the next download request’s start date. Instead the original end date requested was being used which is usually, but not always the same as the end date in the response.
  • Fixed an issue updating the profile URL for existing OFX Direct Connect download connections when institutions change their profile URL.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when downloading transactions for multiple accounts at once.
  • Fixed an issue with the duplicate transactions check where an existing transaction’s status could be set to a lower status such as a "Reconciled" transaction being changed to "Cleared".
  • Fixed and issue where the "Style" option for Flags wouldn’t display the default color when no color has been selected for the flag.
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar account list might not update the number of transactions flagged as "Unreviewed".
  • Fixed an issue where the prompt to enter the file’s password wouldn’t be shown.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong loading screen was being shown on iPads.
  • Fixed an issue where local files might not be uploaded to iCloud when switching from local storage to iCloud storage.
  • Fixed an issue where exchange rates could download unnecessarily when multiple currencies are in use.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.5 - Build 1012 - 2018/03/08


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the transactions duplicate check in version 2.0.4.
  • Fixed an issue where the import settings for accounts could be saved when nothing changed following downloads and imports.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.4 - Build 1010 - 2018/03/08


  • Added the "Mark new payees to be included in lists" preference.


  • Adjusted the app to show the password view when coming back to the app when a password protected file is open and the app has been inactive for more than 5 minutes.
  • Adjusted the app to show a generic loading view after leaving the app when a password protected file is open.
  • Automatically created corresponding transfer transactions now get set with the memo of the originating transfer transaction.
  • Adjusted the program's duplicate transactions check during account downloads and file imports to be more aggressive in removing possible duplicates.
  • Adjusted transaction downloading errors to show info for non-OFX errors in download logs.
  • Adjusted editing of simple text values to prevent blank strings being saved to the database instead of no value.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue setting up download connections where it would be improperly allowed to set multiple available account download connections to a single account which would result in a saving error.
  • Fixed an issue using the "Check/Update Connections" option where new information may not be updated for existing connections.
  • Fixed an issue where the listed time zone abbreviation for dates in transaction download requests would be incorrect for computers using a non-US region.
  • Fixed an issue where a zero unit price could be set for existing securities during file imports and account downloads.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in a saving error that could occur when a downloaded or imported transaction that was declined for having a duplicate had its payee set for the existing transaction when that payee was not yet in the file’s database.
  • Fixed an issue where position adjustment transactions would not be generated for closed positions in OFX downloads and QFX/OFX file imports.
  • Fixed an issue with sorting same day transactions where they could not always be listed in the same order when sorting by date ascending vs descending.
  • Fixed an issue where the balance the account of an automatically created corresponding transfer transaction would not be updated if the corresponding transfer was created due to editing an existing transaction would have typically had the corresponding transaction already created.
  • Fixed an issue where the Transactions view would not always be reloaded to included newly automatically created corresponding transfer transactions.
  • Fixed an issues where searches could check for matching amounts when no numbers were included in the entered text for search.
  • Fixed an issue with updating investment positions where transactions on the same day of another transaction that closed a position could result in incorrect position information.
  • Fixed an issue with updating investment positions where non-share changing investment transactions would not be included in a position that has been closed. Ex: bond accrued interest transaction after the sale of the bond.
  • Fixed an issue where splits from scheduled transactions could be posted as stand alone transactions after editing a scheduled transaction.
  • Fixed the misnamed Transactions preference of "Ask if new payees should be included in lists" to be "Mark new payees to be included in lists".
  • Fixed an issue where a "parent" object could be listed twice even though there actually isn’t a duplicate. It could be added to the loaded top level objects array twice following editing on a different device if it had multiple changes made to it.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.3 - Build 1007 - 2018/01/10


  • Added a "Duplicate Transactions" option to the More option of transactions.


  • Now forcing reinvestment transactions to have positive amounts in OFX downloads and QFX/OFX file imports.
  • Adjusted OFX downloads and OFX/QFX file imports to prefer the unit price found in investments positions over the unit price found for the security as the unit price found for the security is more often inaccurate.
  • Adjusted Pending transactions to be shown with overdue color if due on the current day.
  • Adjusted Transactions reports to be able to set the "No Payee", "No Transaction Type", and "No Category" options when specifically selecting those respective items for the report.
  • Adjusted subcategories to only use their parent category’s color if they’re the same type or if the parent category’s color has been set explicitly.
  • Adjusted the restrictions on the characters allowed for payees, transaction types, flags and some other objects.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with setting the wrong amount for investment specific transactions that are also transfers to/from another account.
  • Fixed an issue where transactions generated from scheduled transactions wouldn’t have their memos set.
  • Fixed an issue where the U.S. Quarterly Taxes frequency option for scheduled transactions was just behaving as the general Quarterly frequency option.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur trying to create a new scheduled transaction when the Status column was selected to be shown.
  • Fixed an issue where downloaded transactions wouldn’t be marked as reconciled as desired if not presented for review.
  • Fixed an issue where downloaded transactions wouldn’t be merged into duplicates as desired if not presented for review.
  • Fixed an issue with OFX downloads and OFX/QFX file imports where bond accrued interest transactions were not setup properly resulting in a file saving error.
  • Fixed an issue where reinvested dividend transactions created from combining offsetting cash dividend and buy transactions in OFX downloads and OFX/QFX file imports were set to have negative amounts.
  • Fixed an issue where a historical price’s adjusted close quote would be set for the security’s current price if it was more recent than the last time the security’s current price was set instead of the close quote.
  • Fixed an issue when editing the Transaction Type that restricts amounts to be positive or negative for a transaction that is split with amounts that vary between positive and negative amounts.
  • Fixed an issue with posting transfer transactions from splits of a scheduled transaction that has an overall Transaction Type that restricts amounts to be positive or negative for the scheduled transaction that is split with amounts that vary between positive and negative amounts.
  • Fixed an issue with converting older version files where the transaction type for splits in a scheduled transaction would not be set properly for the scheduled transaction that is split with amounts that vary between positive and negative amounts.
  • Fixed an issue with "Benefits" and "Rent Income" categories defaulting as Income categories. Needs to be manually corrected in files.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.2 - Build 1006 - 2018/12/22


  • None.


  • Adjusted duplicate transactions check to consider transactions with different institution unique IDs as a zero possible match.
  • Adjusted duplicate transactions check to no longer rejects a single possible match with a small difference in date or amount.
  • Adjusted start and end dates sent for OFX Direct Connect downloads to always be in ET.
  • Made an adjustment to investment transaction download requests to send the DTASOF in the same date format as the DTSTART and DTEND.
  • Fixed an issue where the number of unreviewed and pending transactions wouldn’t update after deleting an account.
  • Fixed an issue downloading and importing investment transactions through OFX/QFX that indicated the cash involved came from or went to another source/destination and the category being set to *(null) when the preference to list those transactions with the account they are in for their category to prevent the cash balance from being affected. *The program will automatically updates these transactions and remove the *(null) category.
  • Fixed an issue downloading and importing investment transactions through OFX/QFX where reinvested transactions would be listed with a negative amount instead of a positive amount. *The amounts will be automatically updated to be positive.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the program would indicate accounts have been created following setting up downloads when no accounts were actually found.
  • Fixed an issue where an investment position wouldn’t update properly after changing an investment transaction’s date to an earlier date.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.1 - Build 1005 - 2018/12/15


  • Added an alert to iOS transaction entry to prompt user to confirm in order to leave the transaction’s account blank.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the program not being able to remember the last used file and restore it on launch when the file is not stored in the program’s iCloud folder on iOS.
  • Fixed an issue where the file could not save after creating a download connection for an already existing account.
  • Fixed an issue where securities from OFX/QFX downloads/imports would not be created if they were not listed with a position that had a unit price.
  • Fixed an issue where underlying securities would not be set for derivatives when downloading or importing.
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when processing derivatives in OFX/QFX downloads/imports.
  • Fixed an issue where option closing transactions would not be imported properly from OFX/QFX downloads/imports.
  • Fixed an issue where the identifier and identifier type for options or their underlying security would not be imported properly from OFX/QFX downloads/imports.
  • Fixed an issue where the default exchange rate for currencies would be deleted and re-created unnecessarily.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting to restore all defaults that some items that shouldn’t be ever be reset would be.
SEE Finance 2 for iOS

Version 2.0.0 - Build 1003 - 2018/12/01

Initial Release

  • Completely Brand New!