Change Logs Change Logs

SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.17 - 2020/11/10


  • Files are not allowed to be opened when using macOS 11.0 Big Sur to prevent crashes due to major changes in macOS.
  • Added notifications to the program to indicate it is not compatible with macOS 11.0 Big Sur.


  • Changed how the program identifies itself for OFX Direct Connect downloads. This may require reactivating or verifying downloads for some institutions.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the security quotes table restricting prices to 2 decimal places.
  • Fixed an issue where the price/share for transactions could be applied as the security’s current market price if it was more recent, but wouldn’t actually be saved to the database.
  • Fixed an issue connecting to Vanguard, and possibly other institutions, due to not returning requested cookies from previous connections.
  • Fixed an issue importing QFX/OFX files from American Express.
  • Fixed an issue importing memos for split transactions contained in QIF files exported from Banktivity due to the memos being listed out of order.
  • Fixed an issue inappropriately showing an alert about importing transactions with a year of 2020 when importing from QIF, QMTF and CSV files.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.13 - 2019/06/10


  • Added the ability to perform updates by sending users to a web page for specific instructions on how to update.
  • Added a note for activated recurring transactions that they are not editable when activated.
  • Added an alert when trying to activate a recurring transaction that is expired or that has an end date set before its start date.
  • Added an error alert when account downloads fail due to general connection errors not specific to the OFX downloading protocol such as general HTML errors.


  • Adjusted available options for the applications available to identify as for downloads.
  • Adjusted available currencies to include: VES, STN, MRU and BYN.
  • Implemented a work around for misconfiguration of the OFX server used by several brokerages because it cannot properly interpret a transaction download request using dates with time.
  • Stopped removing transactions from files based on the unique IDs provided by the institution in case the selected accounts is not the account receiving the imported file’s information.
  • Improved the check if the selected date format is appropriate when importing QIF, QMTF and CSV files.
  • Adjusted QIF file importing to check for the same account for being listed with multiple sections of transactions and combining them into the one account.
  • Adjusted QIF file importing to discard zero amount splits.
  • Enable hardened runtime on macOS.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when generating a very large PDF for a report or budget.
  • Fixed an issue in Balances reports where the cash balance for an account set to be hidden from balances would be included in the “Portfolio” listing.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the name and other settings manually for securities would trigger a change when that value wasn’t actually changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the listed time zone abbreviation for dates in download requests would be incorrect for computers using a non-US region.
  • Fixed an issue not being able to download files from the built-in browsers in account Online views for some websites when using macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
  • Fixed an issue where importing OFX/QFX files where the program would remove transactions with the same unique file ID when the preferences to do so was off.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t import a single row from a CSV file.
  • Fixed an issue where possible duplicate transactions imported from a CSV file would never be pre-selected for import regardless of their possible match.
  • Fixed an issue exporting QIF files where transactions that had a split without a set category wouldn’t have the blank category line included.
  • Fixed an issue where QIF exports could export "null" for account balances or -0.00 instead of just 0.00.
  • Fixed an issue exporting investment transactions to QIF files where a non-unit changing transaction would export with zero units and zero unit price.
  • Fixed a bug exporting TXF files.
  • Fixed an issue where the keyboard shortcut to select the statements view would respond when viewing the Portfolio section and show a blank statements section.
  • Fixed an issue where the Info views in the Portfolio section could appear in the wrong location.
  • Fixed an issue where graphs could improperly ask for drawing info from a background thread.
  • Fixed an issue with “Other” pie chart slices not allowing access to their components.
  • Fixed an issue displaying the wrong text color for fields of selected quotes in the quotes tables in macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • Fixed an issue with various fade in and fade out animations on macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • Fixed an issue detecting mouse location in pie charts on macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • Fixed an issue displaying the wrong text color for fields of selected rows in various fields when the selection doesn’t have focus.
  • Fixed an issue where a backup file from a previous day would be removed if it was within 24 hours of the new backup file being generates when the preference to keep only one backup per day was on.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.11 - 2017/10/18


  • None.


  • Added a workaround for Vanguard’s misconfigured OFX Direct Connect server responding with blank HTML 200 responses.
  • Adjusted OFX Direct Connect downloads to accommodate for missing trailing slashes in institution URLs.
  • After downloading a new update for the non-Mac App Store version of the program will no longer attempt to unzip the downloaded update as it was failing on some versions of macOS and confusing users (will apply to the next update).
  • The alert for changing the amount restriction for a transaction type to either positive or negative values only now defaults to "Cancel" being the default button.
  • Stopped exporting the "Split" category to QIF files.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with macOS 10.13 High Sierra where the program could not generate dates for reports when for some regions (date formats).
  • Fixed an issue introduced in version 1.1.10 where drop down windows wouldn’t be dismissed on macOS 10.8 or earlier.
  • Fixed an issue where a watched security could be deleted from a file when importing transactions using that security. It would eventually be re-created on the next update of investment positions.
  • Fixed an issue where investments held in different currencies would not be updated with the proper exchange rates when the program was in the background such as when performing a quote download and switching to a different program.
  • Fixed an issue where when using one of the preset date range options, such as "Current Month" and "Year to Date", for a budget the shown date range wouldn’t be correct. The actual data was based on the expected date range.
  • Fixed an issue with sorting items by name when they include numbers (categories and report items).
  • Fixed an issue where sorting of payees and categories would not be retained in the main Payees and Categories views.
  • Fixed an issue graphing values that don’t vary more than 0.05 in range and are not being constrained to zero.
  • Fixed a long standing bug that could cause a crash when detecting mouse movements in pie charts.
  • Fixed a long standing bug that could cause a crash that could occur when attempting to re-create an account download connection.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.10 - 2017/07/27


  • None.


  • Adjusted OFX Direct Connect profile information requests usage of line breaks.

Bug Fixes:

  • None.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.9 - 2017/07/27


  • None.


  • Adjusted QIF file importing to check for cases of investment transactions that indicate a transfer, but no transfer information is found and have those transactions automatically categorized with the same account they are in to keep from affecting the account’s cash balance.
  • Adjusted next key views in the accessory windows to loop through the buttons appropriately.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue downloading investment historical quotes. The historical price's close and adjusted close prices were flipped by the datasource and all securities that have downloaded historical prices will have their historical prices removed.
  • Fixed an issue where the current midday quote could be added to the historical quotes (was/is self-correcting).
  • Fixed an issue where investment transactions with the same security symbol, but different security currencies could result in only one security being generated and shared.
  • Fixed an issue importing investment distribution transactions where the final distribution amount could not be properly adjusted for the state withholding amount.
  • Fixed an issue importing from QIF files for non-investment accounts where the generated starting balance transaction’s amount could be incorrect due to transactions using the account they are in as their category.
  • Fixed an issue when searching transactions by amount where a transaction might not be found when specifying exact decimal places.
  • Fixed an issue when the sorting of table columns would be cleared, such as when importing/downloading transactions, but the last sorted column would still be highlighted.
  • Fixed an issue where performing a task where a progress drop down window was shown could have the progress drop down window stuck if you minimize the file’s window.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.8 - 2017/05/22


  • None.


  • Money market funds can now be updated when downloading quotes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue downloading investment historical quotes.
  • Fixed an issue downloading investment information and there being erroneous decimal values for quotes.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.7 - 2017/05/02


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue downloading investment quotes.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.6 - 2017/04/28


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue downloading investment quotes.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.5 - 2017/04/26


  • None.


  • Brought back keyboard shortcuts of "Command up arrow" and "Command down arrow" to change transaction selection.
  • The program no longer inappropriately re-writes stored Keychain items each download.
  • When OFX downloads are missing the DTEND, which the program uses for the next download’s DTSTART, the program will now use the date of the most recent transaction in the download instead.
  • Added "Enter Full Screen" View menu option.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue downloading investment quotes.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Unreconciled Amount" for manually created statements would be incorrect initially.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.4 - 2017/02/15


  • None.


  • Added timestamps to CSV files for exported reports and budgets.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur during file loading.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.3 - Never Released


  • None.


  • Stopped exporting transaction numbers in QIF files due to possible overlapping with check numbers.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where selecting to "Post Now" for a recurring transaction would not update the sort order of the recurring transactions (specific to version 1.1.2).
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when importing CSV files when the importing preference to ask for the column separator or to "flip" amounts was on when running macOS 10.12.
  • Fixed conflicting keyboard shortcuts for "Command Left Arrow", "Command Right Arrow", "Command Up Arrow" and "Command Down Arrow".
  • Fixed an issue when creating statements by download where the statement’s start and end date would not be based on the previous statement’s end date.
  • Fixed an issue animating in graph views for accounts and in the Portfolio section where the animation would appear jerky in macOS 10.11 and 10.12.
  • Fixed an issue with Category reports where the report’s PDF total when viewing just "Income" categories or just "Expense" categories would still be the overall total and not the proper income or expenses only total.
  • Fixed an issue exporting reports and the program not pre-selecting the previously exported file type.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.2 - 2017/01/09


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where selecting to "Post Now" for a recurring transaction would not update the sort order of the recurring transactions (specific to version 1.1.2).
  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when importing CSV files when the importing preference to ask for the column separator or to "flip" amounts was on when running macOS 10.12.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.1.1 - 2015/10/01


  • Add a "File" menu option for "Generate Backup" to generate a backup file on demand.
  • The program will now generate a backup every 24 hours if the file backup feature is turned one and if there’s been any changes made to the file.
  • Added the ability to use multiple selection for recurring transactions including to "Post Now".


  • Added an additional check to the program’s file backup feature to make sure the program has read/write file access to the designated backup file location.
  • When importing transactions with the "Mark All Imported Transactions as Reconciled" option on and the transaction is caught as a possible duplicate the program will not only pass along the reconciled status if the there’s only one existing "Exact" or "High" match when the "Merge Any Declined Imported Transaction's Information Into the Corresponding Existing Transaction Match" option is on in the possible duplicates window.
  • When loading read only or locked files the program now prevents recurring transactions from posting as well as preventing exchange rates and investment quotes from downloading.
  • Due to a bug in macOS Sierra where the PDF thumbnail views do not work properly, the PDF thumbnail views have been removed from reports, transaction image windows and statement image windows when using macOS Sierra or later.
  • Added Quicken 2017 Identifiers to the "For Downloads Identify As:" Downloads preference.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue loading read only or locked files where the program could crash.
  • Fixed a crash while downloading quotes when viewing the Security List specific to macOS Sierra.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Launch Calculator" menu option not making the Calculator app the forefront application.
  • Removed the keyboard shortcut to show the transactions image window due to it conflicting with the keyboard shortcut to clear the selected transaction’s green recently downloaded icon.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.11 - 2016/09/01


  • None.


  • Made some adjustments for compatibility with macOS 10.12 Sierra.
  • The Downloads preference for "Automatically Remove Transactions with the Same FI IDs" now applies to OFX/QFX file imports.
  • Adjusted payee lists in to not include hidden accounts just as the category lists do not show them.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue specific to version 1.0.10 where accounts could be duplicated when importing new accounts from files.
  • Fixed an issue in Cash Flow reports where an account with an overall zero cash flow due to offsetting income and expense amounts would not be listed in the generated PDFs for the report.
  • Fixed an issue when printing account transactions where there would be an inaccurate "Opening Balance" listing when the transactions were not sorted by date.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.10 - 2016/08/04


  • None.


  • Moved a check for duplicate and unused securities done when loading a file and updating positions to a background thread to speed up file loading.
  • You can now merge non-account specific categories into account specific categories.
  • Memorized default information for payees no longer will save the "Split" category setting since splits are not saved.
  • Added the ability to set the Memo in the "Pending Recurring Transactions" drop down window.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue setting up downloads for Chase accounts when using a different Chase login ID than an account already setup with downloads at Chase in the same file.
  • Fixed an issue sending PIN/Password change requests with some institutions.
  • Fixed an issue generating download request/response log that included a PIN/Password change.
  • Fixed an issue when moving transactions between accounts where references of being downloaded or imported were not cleared.
  • Fixed an issue adding new items in reports and those new listings being added to the end of the list instead of in alphabetical order if the table was not being sorted by any column.
  • Fixed where a listing could be shown in a report twice if that listing was added to the report twice.
  • Fixed an issue with the Budgets view not properly loading when sorting data by a specific table column.
  • Fixed an issue deleting categories with subcategories and the subcategory references were not being removed from reports and budgets.
  • Fixed a possible issue where the account balance would not include all new transactions following a transaction download or import.
  • Fixed an issue automatically re-opening a file after rebuilding the database.
  • Automatically merges any payees with the same name as account specific payees into the actual account specific payee.
  • Automatically merges any categories with the same name as account specific categories into the actual account specific category.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.9 - 2016/05/11


  • None.


  • Added the ability to merge payees into an account payee.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where manually entered exchange rates could be reset to "1 for 1".
  • Fixed an issue importing QIF files and the account names possible being imported once as an account payee and once as a non-account payee with the same name.
  • Fixed an issue in Direct Connect downloads and OFX/QFX file importing where a zero amount "Federal Withholding" or "State Withholding" transaction could be recorded.
  • Fixed an issue exporting TXF files.
  • Fixed an issue when showing the "Reconcile" window where the previously selected statement’s range of transactions were shown briefly.
  • Fixed an issue causing a crash coming out of full screen mode while closing a file.
  • Fixed an issue where a possible crash could occur when downloading investment quotes.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using some open and save panels in the program.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur reconciling transactions in the "Reconcile" window.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.8 - 2016/03/11


  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue, specific to version 1.0.7 in the Mac App Store, where internet connections could not be made in the program.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.7 - 2016/03/10


  • Added preference of whether or not to adjust the date range of shown transactions based on the dates of newly imported transactions.
  • Added the ability to drag and drop OFX, QFX, QIF, QMTF and CSV files onto the main left hand sidebar Account List to import accounts or import transactions from the file.
  • Added "Format" menu options in the Edit menu for editing the formats of text views.
  • Added "Every Four Weeks" option for "Frequency" setting in reports and budgets.
  • Added "Last Four Weeks" option for budget "Period".
  • The type of file export is now remembered and restored for most fie export actions throughout the program.


  • Downloads preference for "Automatically Remove Transactions with the Same FI IDs" is now on by default.
  • Investments-Importing preference for "Transactions Listed with an Undefined Cash Source or Destination Should be Listed With Their Account as Their Category to Prevent an Effect on the Account's Cash Balance" is now on by default for new users.
  • Adjusted the program’s file open panel to default to the location of the last open program file if known instead of the location of the last open or save panel used in the program.
  • Balances reports now only price bonds that are past their maturity date at par value if the Investments-General preference of "Use PV of a Bond Formula for Bond Quotes" is turned on. Otherwise the known market price will be used.
  • Importing OFX/QFX files and Direct Connect downloads now check for automatically removing transactions from within the same import/download which have the same FI ID if the option to remove is on in the program’s Downloads preferences. Added due to an issue with Bank of America double listing transactions in their downloads.
  • Adjusted the programs OFX/QFX file importing to check for dates with only a year being set and 0 being set for the month and day. It will now default to the first of that year.
  • Date controls in account Overview for history date range can now set the day of the month.
  • Contextual menu of Sidebar table and the gear button’s menu now list their keyboard shortcuts.
  • Contextual menu of Transactions tables now list their keyboard shortcuts.
  • Adjusted wording of the alert indicating when a backup of the file will not be generated when closing a file or quitting the program due to the file being within the designated backup file folder.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue and added an alert if the default location for storing backup files is missing when the backup location is customized. Previously the program would not present an alert and would just generate a backup and store it in the default backup file location.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an account download connection fails due to a general connection issue.
  • Fixed an issue where download connections could not be setup at an institution due to using the same Client ID for different user names at the same institution.
  • Fixed an issue where creating an investment account by downloading information could double the value of the account when the stated "cash balance" is actually the balance of the held securities.
  • Fixed an issue where a security ticker symbol could be entered or imported with blank space at the beginning or end of the string.
  • Fixed an issue where split transactions were not being included in investment positions.
  • Fixed an issue where investment gains/losses would not show infinity.
  • Fixed an issue with "Return of Capital" transactions not being included in gain/loss calculations of stocks and options.
  • Fixed an issue dragging and dropping OFX, QFX, QIF, QMTF and CSV files onto the Dock icon for the program and not performing the appropriate import action.
  • Fixed an issue when checking for possible duplicates during importing where check number integer comparisons were being incorrectly performed when the integers were past the maximum possible integer.
  • Fixed an issue exporting investment transaction amounts to QIF files for non-share related transactions specific transactions where the amount should be listed as a negative amount.
  • Fixed an issue where new statements where not always being selected and scrolled to after being created.
  • Fixed an issue where the default name for a new statement could incorrectly be the next month’s name.
  • Fixed an issue after successfully entering registration information and the program’s "SEE Finance" and "File" menu options were not enabled if a file was not already open.
  • Fixed an issue where the correct font would not be used for a newly added table column.
  • Fixed an issue where some view transitions would appear upside down on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
  • Fixed an issue drawing custom buttons where width was too wide on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.6 - 2015/11/03


  • Ability to set the location to store backup files in the General preferences.


  • Reports and recurring transactions set to the last day of the month now repeat on the last day of the month for "Monthly" regardless if the start date is a last day of a month with less than 31 days.
  • Exchange rates can now be manually set to up to 8 decimal places. Downloaded exchanges will be rounded to up to 6 decimal places.
  • Adjusted the image views in the "Edit" boxes for transactions to draw a white background for PDFs in case PDF is transparent.
  • New bond transactions auto-fill bond par value as 100.00 now.
  • Adjusted OFX/QFX importing to ignore "NA" and "N/A" ticker symbols and to instead use the unique security identifier.
  • Added more matching possibilities for abbreviations when importing transaction types found in CSV files.
  • Changed prompt that no file was found to restore upon launch to indicate to highlight to open an existing file more than to create a new file.
  • Added an "Open" document option to the Welcome window.
  • Selecting "Registration…" now shows registration info for version not from the Mac App Store.
  • Renamed the "Save Last Download Log to Desktop" menu option to "Save Last Download Log…" since it can be saved to any desired location in version 1.X.
  • Minor adjustments for Mac App Store Compatibility.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a freeze that could occur showing drop down windows on OS X El Capitan.
  • Fixed an issue where accessory views on open panels would not be displayed by default on OS X El Capitan.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a OFX, QFX, QIF or CSV file to a temp location using the built-in web browsers in account Online views would not save to a temp location.
  • Fixed an issue when using Full Screen mode where the width of the main left hand Account List could grow larger and larger each session.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a new transaction filter from a transaction and not making any changes to the new filter could result in the filer’s setting not being saved.
  • Fixed a freeze that could occur when clearing a transaction filter transaction setting such as the payee or category following adding or removing a new constraint to the filter.
  • Fixed an issue in account Transactions views where clicking on a different transaction while the current transaction selection still had an uncommitted edit the selection would revert to that previously edited transaction.
  • Fixed an issue when sorting statement transactions by any other column than by date that adding, duplicating or splitting statement transactions could result in the wrong transaction being selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the drop down boxes for statement transaction entry could be left open when trying to tab to the next field after scrolling their list.
  • Fixed an issue where the program’s File->Open menu would inappropriately allow users to select to open OFX, QFX, QIF and QMTF files.
  • Version 1.0 can open any version 0.9 file (in case of version 0.9 updates).
SEE Finance for macOS

Version 1.0.5 - 2015/08/03


  • Initial Public Release.