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Importing OFX & QFX Files

Importing OFX and QFX files is simple just follow the steps below.

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How to Import OFX and QFX Files:

  1. To import OFX and QFX files into your transaction register start by selecting an account from the Account List and select the "Transactions" view for that account. Then from the Menu Bar select "Accounts" then "Import Transactions...".
  2. Now find the OFX or QFX file you would like to import in the "Open" file browser. Select the appropriate option from the drop down list for "File Was Created By:". Then click "Open". Wait for a moment while SEE Finance gathers the information from the selected file.
  3. Next the OFX/QFX import window will raise and show the transactions imported from the file. Check to verify whether or not you want to import these transactions. In the top table check the "Import" check box of the account(s) you wish to import data from and which accounts to import the transactions into. You can also check individual transactions to be imported or not using the "Import" column in the "Transactions in Selected Account:" table. Check the "Run Imported Transactions through Filters" checkbox if you want to use your activated transaction filters. If you would like to have these transactions set as reconciled (cleared), check the "Mark All Imported Transactions as Reconciled".


    • Make sure to check the checkbox(es) in the "Import" column to import the transactions for the accounts found in the OFX or QFX file that you are wanting to import transactions from.
    • Make sure you have selected the "Mark All Imported Transactions as Reconciled" checkbox if you want these transactions to be marked as reconciled. Otherwise you will have to mark each one as reconciled manually.
    • You can change the account the transactions will import into by changing the account selection in the upper table.
    • Note that you can toggle the on/off status of the checkboxes using the space bar.
    • You can import multiple OFX/QFX files at the same time.
    • Unlike creating investment accounts from imported OFX/QFX files, the program does not automatically generate "Position Adjustment" transactions to take the place of the transactions not available in the imported information, but the list of positions in the imported information indicates should be there.

  4. Select the "Import" button and you're done! If any possible duplicates are identified while importing these transactions you will be presented with the duplicate transactions check window in order to check for duplicates.

See also

Importing and Exporting
Duplicate Transaction Checking After Importing Files
Web Connect Downloads
Which File Type to Import?
Auto-Categorizing Transactions
List of Importing & Exporting Topics