Report types

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Setup various types of reports to monitor and stay on top of your finances. Learn more about the different types of reports available below.

Net Worth

Net Worth

Reference net worth on any date using New Worth reports. Can specify a date range in order to show comparative intervals and choose which account(s) are included.

Account Balance

Account Balance

Use a Account Balance report to reference account balances on any date. Can specify a date range in order to show comparative intervals and choose which account(s) are included.

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

Track cash inflows and outflows based on categories using Cash Flow reports. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Format the report to show category totals, category totals with the transactions involved, or just a single list of the transactions included in the report. Specify the accounts and categories that are included plus adjust a few other options to control that transactions that can be included.



Find specific transactions utilizing Transaction reports. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Select to subgroup transactions by account, payee, transaction type, category or by tag. Specify the accounts, payees, transaction types, categories and tags that are included plus adjust a few other options to control the transactions that can be included.



Use Payee reports to find amounts for individual payees. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Format the report to show payee totals, payee totals with the transactions involved, or just a single list of the transactions included in the report. Select to subgroup transactions by account, transaction type, category or by tag. Specify the accounts, payees, and tags that are included plus adjust a few other options to control the transactions that can be included.

Transaction Type

Transaction Type

Use Transaction Type reports to find amounts for individual transaction types. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Format the report to show transaction type totals, transaction type totals with the transactions involved, or just a single list of the transactions included in the report. Select to subgroup transactions by account, payee, category or by tag. Specify the accounts, transaction types, and tags that are included plus adjust a few other options to control the transactions that can be included.



Use Category reports to find amounts for individual categories. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Format the report to show category totals, category totals with the transactions involved, or just a single list of the transactions included in the report. Select to subgroup transactions by account, payee, transaction type or by tag. Specify the accounts, categories, and tags that are included plus adjust a few other options to control the transactions that can be included.



Use Tag reports to find amounts for individual tags. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Format the report to show tag totals, tag totals with the transactions involved, or just a single list of the transactions included in the report. Select to subgroup transactions by account, payee, transaction type, or by category. Specify the accounts and tags that are included plus adjust a few other options to control the transactions that can be included.

Investment Values

Investment Values

Monitor the values of investments using Investment Values reports. Choose to report on values for a specific date or as of the current date. Specify the accounts and securities that are included.

Investment Gain/Loss

Investment Gain/Loss

Track investment gains and losses using Investment Gain/Loss reports. Choose the date range for examining gains and losses. Specify the accounts and securities that are included.

Security Transaction

Security Transaction

Find specific investment transactions utilizing Security Transaction reports. Choose the date range and whether or not to show comparative intervals. Format the report to show security totals, security totals with the transactions involved, or just a single list of the transactions included in the report. Select to subgroup transactions by account, payee, transaction type, category or by tag. Specify the accounts, transaction types and tags that are included plus adjust a few other options to control the transactions that can be included.

Note Note: Many reports based on the details of transactions have the ability to subgroup values by another detail. For example, setup a Payee report to be subgrouped by Category in order to find the amounts for each category for particular payees such as finding out how much was spent on Amazon overall and how much of that was categorized as "Clothing", "Household" or with another category.